The Habitat of His Glory Ministry is an interdenominational place of worship where all and sundry are welcome to express themselves in the ambience of His presence ,worship and word indeed. It's a place for all who seek to worship God in spirit and truth.

Our Vision

➡️ To provide Spiritual Habitat/Shelter to all.
➡️ To raise a generation of worshipers.
➡️ To Equip all with the whole Armour of God.
➡️ To provide platform for Godly prosperity.
➡️ To make you know who you are.

Core Values

➡️ Know the Truth (Jn.8:32).
➡️ Live by the Truth (Jn.13:17).
➡️ Reflect the Truth (Matthew 5:16)

Our Mission

➡️ The Church will be a place/habitat without borders.
➡️ The Pasture will always be Green.


You Are Now Part of The Family

Fill in your details, Let’s get to meet you.