Our Doctrinal Beliefs

 -  The Bible .
 -  About God.
 -  About Jesus Christ.
 -  About The Holy Spirit.
 -  About Trinity (Godhead).
 -  The Creation of Man/Fall of Man.
 - Repentance unto God/New Birth.
 -  Sanctification.
 -  Holy Spirit Baptism.
 -  Water Baptism by immersion.
 -  About Prayer /Fasting.
 -  About Restitution.
 -  Divine Healing (Healing without Medicine).
 - About Prophecy in the Church.
 -  About Constituted Authority.
 - About our Garment /Adornment.
 -  Laying of Hands/Anointing the Sick.
 -  About Holy Matrimony/Marriage.
 -  About Church Discipline.
 -  About Holy Communion.
 -  About The Church of God.
 -  Separation/Dedication of Believers.
 -  About Tithes.
 -  Dedication of Children.
 - Escatology


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